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When last did a card game make you feel something?

Pick a card. Read your question. Share what’s on your heart.

Buy a Box

★★★★★   “It’s decided. Every person in my life is getting a box this year. Loved. Every. Single. Moment.”

Small box, big questions

A new kind of dinner party game that will teach you to listen, encourage, and share in conversations that dig a little deeper.

Cards for Conversation: Couples Edition


Leave the small talk at home. 52 prompts for a deeper date night.

Shop Couples Edition

Cards for Conversation: First Edition


The dinner party game for deep chats between friends and strangers.

Shop First Edition

Cards for Conversation: Second Edition


A 52-question expansion pack for a double dose of ‘Oof, that’s deep’.

Shop Second Edition
  • New!

As seen in

Looking for new questions?

New: Second Edition

A fresh edition of the best-selling box. These 52 prompts can be used as an expansion pack for the First Edition but can also be played by themselves.
Shop Second Edition


(meaningless questions that aren’t going to change your life but are part of the formalities anyway)
See all mediocre FAQs
“My husband and I have not put the cards down for one second. So amazing!”

Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer anonymously. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).
This month's prompt:
Who has shaped your life in the most significant way? Tell a story about them.
There have been 5 answers to this question.
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Since this game is about sharing, let me kick us off...
In December 2016 my brother was hit and subsequently killed by a drunk driver, and as you can imagine, my life changed forever. I was surrounded by people who knew my story, yet I was drowning in a sea of "How you?", "How's work going?", "How's family?" – a set of mediocre questions that made me feel more alone than I had ever felt...
Read my story