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This month's question:
Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life? Why or why not?
There have been 110 answers to this question so far.
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Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life? Why or why not?

  • Anonymous

    No, I’m desperately trying to save to buy a house and get my life together. I’m 31 and I expected to be married and settled by now. It’s taking longer than expected. I’m currently supporting my entire family who lost their jobs during Covid and could not find new ones. That said I’m grateful for good health and a well paying job and that I have food on the table everyday.

  • Anonymous

    I think it depends which “me” you asked. 14 year old me wanted to be married with kids by 26. 18 year old me would be shocked that life does get better. 22 year old me would be shocked at the path my career took. Me now, I am just grateful to God for the missed opportunities and the opportunities He had to point at with big shiny lights and arrows to get me to see. I have an incredible husband and God is using us, I didn’t know that is what I would want at this stage of my life but I am grateful that my wants don’t get in the way of God’s plans because they are always far superior.

  • Anonymous

    I am somewhere where I didn’t expect at all. Not really where I wanted to be because I couldn’t dream this big or well. Extremely grateful that things have taken such unexpected, wonderful turns.

  • Anonymous

    A definite yes! I have a healthy husband and children. And a decent career

  • Anonymous

    Not exactly. I’m 31 and I thought by now I would have had my first property. I’m still renting, and that sort of makes me unhappy. I’m aware everything happens at the right time but wow! I’m frustrated with my job. I’m a teacher, and I think there’s just too much work, I’m now struggling to find it worthy doing the one thing I used to love. There’s no growth, I feel stagnant and I’ve been applying but not even getting a single response. The subtle rejections have been a hard blow to take. Relationship wise I thought I would have settled by now, found my partner for life and secured…but that also is blur

  • Anonymous

    No I thought by now I would be permanently employed still working on contract

  • Anonymous

    Not really, because I had experienced loss in a negative way; from losing my Mom to brain tumor in 2022, to selling my house and moving back to my parents’ home as a single parent, and losing sales in my real estate job☹️.
    Spiritually and mentally; I am in tact, because my mental health, inner peace and sanity is my wealth 😊

  • Anonymous

    No I didn’t intend on getting married (so soon),but the choses I made (when)I was younger I ended up like this.If I could do a MAKR OVER I would have finished high school and gone to university to study classical music (that was my foter)and become a classical musician.

  • Anonymous

    Yes, I’m married to the love of my life and we have just had our first baby.

    No, my job in corporate doesn’t fulfill me and I’m desperate to make a career change. These feelings haven’t come at the best time with a newborn. I remain hopeful that my new mom era will spark an exciting career shift for me!

  • Anonymous

    Yes, but being a working mom has many challenges. I do sometimes wish I could be a stay-at-home mom 🤍

  • Anonymous

    No I’m not… but I’m still young and I plan on achieving something I’ve always wanted by the end of this year…so I’ve got my fingers 🤞🏽

  • Anonymous

    I am slowly getting there, and I am enjoying the journey

  • Anonymous

    Honestly idk I lost my father and keep envying love I see others get . How I wish it was easy to just wake up n find it outside my door but I’m grateful for life , people take it for granted that our days are really numbered

  • Anonymous

    Yes I am , my own family , financial independence, career has been a disappointment however all aspect of Mt life are in good shape exactly what planned for when i was young.

  • Anonymous

    Nope am 38 year old and everyday I wonder when do I meet the love of life. I just want to fall in love.

  • Anonymous

    Personally I’m not where I want to be in life but I’m where God and my Ancestors want me to be

  • Anonymous

    I am not where I planned to be. If I were I’d be in the role I planned that I would be by now. But life has taken an unexpected turn and I’m so grateful because with that turn came lessons and so many unexpected open doors.

    So no, I’m am not where I wanted to be but I am heading in that direction and absolutely loving my personal growth.

  • Anonymous

    Personally I am, career wise I’m frustrated and don’t like my job at all. Would love to move into broadcasting on tv and radio.

  • Anonymous

    No im not.i am desperately in need of a job
    Im just tired of depending on others

  • Anonymous

    Not at all. I got married and my husband then constantly wanted me to choose between him and my career. Stupid me gave in and stayed and then realised it wasn’t for me to be a stay at home wife. I left that marriage however he is still making it difficult for me by not cooperating with the divorce proceedings. I am so disappointed in myself….

  • Anonymous

    No am not unfortunately I was diagnosed with cataract at a very young age had to drop out of school till I get my surgery done had to wait for 3 years for my turn at a government hospital worse years of my life . Life was so difficult still is because I can’t afford glasses since I don’t work

  • Anonymous

    Did not thought that the answer would be this hard… Yes but, I also have a feeling of what am I doing… I am a teacher and I feel drained and that it is just not worth it anymore. I love the job, but the way you get treated sometimes, make me wonder is it worth it to to your best everyday and get treated the way we do?

  • Anonymous

    Not where I wanted to be because by now I’d hoped to be married with 2 kids. Settled with a family.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no.
    Yes because I found happiness about life and everything. I’ve never felt this happy before
    No because I’m still in school, next year I’m in matric so I’ll see what the future holds for me 🙂

  • Anonymous

    No and yes.

    As a single hardworking mom, my daughter will be starting school next year, and I have never been this stressed, if it is not about a school accepting her, or worrying about fees.

    tbh, as the woman I am now, I am working so hard to provide for her, she is my all, and I just want her to be successful in life.

  • Anonymous

    No! I am 35 struggling to find a job

  • Anonymous

    No I’m not, this is definitely not the career I had in mind when I was studying. It feels like my life is at a standstill, no matter how much I try and be optimistic about turning it around. I’m stuck in a dead end job. When I apply for new jobs, I don’t even get any responses even if it’s a rejection it would be better than silence. Lord knows my life feels wasted😏

  • Anonymous

    I have never had “all or nothing” type of goals but I mostly set the goals and God does the rest.

  • Anonymous

    No. I am not where I wanted to be in life at this stage because of hardship. Life has really been hard since I lost my job during covid. I always pray to God for the better life and I know he will definitely come through for me at the right time 🙏🏼

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no. I have been married to a beautiful man for 3 years but we have not been able to afford to travel or even go out locally with things being so expensive in this economy. I would love a baba one day but it’s hard enough affording ourselves. Keeping faith!

  • Anonymous

    Gloriously not! Where I am is incomprehensible better than the greatest life I could ever have imagined for myself.
    Not one thing is perfect. Yet, the sum is greater than the parts, and my world is at peace.

  • Anonymous

    I am definitely not where I want to be/ I should be. I think I lack a lot of support, resources, connection to climb the heights of success in order to attract favor on my direction, even how much I thrive & effort I put in, there is no progress/ fruitfulness, yet I still don’t give up, I’ll keep on going & pushing until breakthrough comes

  • Anonymous

    No Im I’ll with this brain disease , Leukoaraiosis, for the past three years so that’s changed my retirement completely 😔

  • Anonymous

    Yes ,I am with hardwork and God’s grace

  • Anonymous

    No I should have been retired🥲 and not working at the age of 71

  • Anonymous

    Not yet, I would still like to see my chefing career take off. I wanna buy my own apartment and I also wanna start pursuing a teaching career. I stayed home and raised my kids and I think now I’m ready to start.

  • Anonymous

    No, I thought I would be further in my career than I am at 30. The road to this point has been long and hard, requiring many months of grit and determination. In my personal life however, I am mother to the most amazing boy and my husband is all I ever prayed for. We live life lacking nothing and are privileged to have our family around us and cheering us on.

  • Anonymous

    Morning No
    Because of challenges and obstacles that are facing Me n my SME it’s very hard.
    Challenges that are facing our Daily lives.
    Machinery or Equipment for Me to be able to develop my Community.
    Challenges in and outside the my Life as I’m an wasteprenuer with my young Brother.
    As my mission and Goals was to Encourage and Educate the Culture of Recycling and Greening in our community.

  • Anonymous

    Yes. I am a mom to two beautiful sons age 13 and 19 years old. I have a job that is pretty ok. A wife of 19years of marriage, a daughter to one a amazing mom and most of all a community worker caring for our youth and our planet.

  • Anonymous

    No! And not because I don’t have the husband I love and the children I prayed for. It’s this body of mine. It is fighting so hard to rid itself of breast cancer. Did I see this happening to me – no. Am I here sitting having chemo – yes. I definitely had invisioned life with out cancer and it’s ripples into those around me.

  • Anonymous

    I guess I imagined a house full of kids and home cooked meals and illustrated stories being written at night to keep them entertained… the reality is a little messier, I have one gorgeous girl who has taught me to really love and the illustrated stories have to wait for another life chapter and home life is me doing my best to serve a well rounded fare but more importantly serve my little family and the world with love

  • Anonymous

    Yes from all my family goals.

    From a business point of view – if I’d been asked this question two years ago, I would’ve said a resounding ‘yes’ but when things started taking a downturn, we didn’t act fast enough to change direction and business is not looking good at the moment.
    I didn’t have the self confidence to start my own business until much later in life and wish I’d had the started this up when I was in my twenties / thirties with lots more passion and energy.
    I know we can turn it around but will have to take a whole new direction and feel like it’ll be starting all over again. And not sure I feel the passion and energy to do this.

    But, from a personal point of view – I’m sure I could’ve done a whole lot of things differently- but am pretty happy with the way things have turned out.
    Congratulations on this new co-lab Meg – you are flying.

  • Anonymous

    What a question. Yes and no. Yes, because honestly, I didn’t know where I would be, or what to expect. But also no, because I think I put so much pressure on myself to be further on, and constant setbacks in business add to that frustration. Seeing those around me with corporate jobs or businesses thrive while I constantly battle to move one step forward. I need to learn to have more grace for the season I am in, but just feeling a bit lost at the moment. This too shall pass.

  • Anonymous

    In a lot of ways, yes. But also in a lot of ways, no. Motherhood has rocked my world. I love my babies but it changes your sense of identity in an unfathomable way. I’m figuring out what I’m good at – the working world isn’t kind to young moms.

  • Anonymous

    Honestly, I grew up in a relatively poor neighborhood with very few examples of people who “made it”. As a child I focused purely on good grades to secure a bursary to study and get out of that environment. Now in my late 30s I realize that I never gave thought to whether I desire a family or not (partner/child). I never thought about a career path beyond just having enough money to afford the simple things I wanted and to be able to help family members get to the same place.

    So I don’t have a clue what this stage of my life was ever meant to look like.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no.
    I’m a strong and confident individual. My career was so important to me and I’m in a place where I’m very happy with that part of my life. However, romantic relationships have been my downfall. I’m 40 and have had bad luck in that area and it’s hard when all your friends and family are in that space of their lives. It’s even harder when it’s everything you’ve always wanted—a family of your own. Perhaps it’s even more challenging when society teaches you that a woman should be married by now.

  • Anonymous

    Not at all. Some days the mere thought of how different my life turned out feels like a punch in the stomach. Yet, on other days I feel so content about the season I find myself in. Either way, I blame myself for making a few ‘unintentional ‘ decisions that led to this point.

  • Anonymous

    Sjo. That’s a tough one.

    I have a great family, two crazy but wonderful kids. And things are good. The journey to get here has been rough, but it has been worth it. I have learned humility, appreciation and how to fight for me and mine.

    So yes. I think I am where I need to be at this stage of my life, which should be where I want to be.

  • Anonymous

    Yes & No.
    I don’t know what I thought this stage would be like – but I do often feel “behind” or like things are taking “too long”.
    I’ve never been one to imagine toooo far into the future, even now.
    Some things I assumed would have happened by now I don’t know if they’ll ever happen. Other things that have happened are more than I could have known to anticipate.

  • Anonymous

    No, in the last decade I’ve lost a parent, a spouse, a sibling and children. Loss and grief have been heavier burdens to carry than I expected, especially when they compound. Career wise, I settled for stability for a few years, but the lack of progress now shows. LinkedIN has become the worst place to be as I see so many peers and ex-colleagues or friends achieve so much more than I have.
    I am painfully aware that life is so short and now it feels even shorter and more burdened than I imagined. As Taylor Swift said…”I gave you all that youth for free…”

  • Anonymous

    I never would imagined being at this stage of my life when I was younger but I couldn’t be happier. I used to care so much about what other people thought and it wasn’t healthy. I’ve now built a life that suits me and I’m not scared of doing my own thing.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and No.
    I am engaged to the love of my life. The kindest most wonderful man. I have a great and fulfilling job.
    But I am not where I wanted to be. I thought I’d be more secure financially and the fact that I’m not, brings about terrible inadequacy. I inevitably compare myself to those around me, which makes me miserable.
    Are we ever satisfied as humans?

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no. I’m married to the man (far beyond) my dreams, and we have a lovely life- but we’ve been battling infertility for two years and had two losses. I’m 40 and time feels like it running out on the dream of being a mom to my own biological children. But I do have many wonderful things, far beyond what I thought I wanted out of life. Very grateful!

  • Anonymous

    Honestly I don’t know. I have many things I wanted at this stage of life in a very different way than I imagined. Sometimes I don’t even know what I want because I want everything life has to offer and at this stage of my life I could picture it 50 different ways; travelling around having wild experiences, having a baby and settling into a home, fully pursuing my pipedream career endeavours. The problem is I didn’t choose to prioritise one, I wanted them all and refused to sacrifice. The outcome? All of it and none of it, a watered down version of my imagined self. Where I honestly would like to be at this stage of my life is content.

  • Anonymous

    No. Have had huge setbacks such as losing my job as Head of Design due to factory closure. Now have a Studio of my own which is extremely challenging. Cash flow is a huge problem.

  • Anonymous

    Definitely not where I had imagined. Even though it’s not a cookie cutter life I have seen, lived and adventured far more than if I had settled down and stayed in a 9-5.
    As a teen we have these wild ideas as to when we will reach societal milestones but no one talks about reaching other goals. Like being at my best friends weddings in 3 different countries, or travelling south Africa and living out my car. Living a year in the mountains because why not! It’s such a beautiful life and there is so much time for the mundane. I’d rather fill it with love and adventures than pretend I’m happy sitting in traffic on my way to a job I can’t stand.

  • Anonymous

    Life has thrown me more curveballs than I can count. Just when I feel I’m an the right track to be where I want to be another obstacle. Be it in my finances, career or family life. Sometimes life is just harder on some. However, we push!!!!! And hopefully I will eventually be where I want to be.

  • Anonymous

    No.. I’m a hell of a lot further than I’d ever thought I could be, and I’m damn proud of doing the things I never dreamed I could.

  • Anonymous

    Definitely not, i have achieved a lot academic wise. I have grown spiritually and having a better relationship with God

    I thought at this point in my life as 39 year old lady i would be married to my king, my friend and having our little family. However Gods plan concerning my life has not come to fruition at times i wonder if it will happen for me considering the desire i habe had since i was 27.

    Grieve has also stole part of my life, the past 6 years i have lost my parents and brothers and that has shaken my life purpose and the strength to keep moving. But God always shows up, as i have seen since last years i am slowly starting to feel alive again and noy just existing

    I also feel stagnant in my career, forever developing my skills but struggling to secure a better, fulfilling job. But i am still greatful for everything God has blessed me with❤️

  • Anonymous

    I am not, but life has taken the most unexpected turn of events and I couldn’t be happier, I continue to trust God in His plans for my life that are greater than I’d ever imagined

  • Anonymous

    Definitely not. I feel like I am behind and the world is moving even faster as I age and grow like a tree. Rather slowly. Comparison is not encouraged but it’s the reason why I feel like my journey is slower than normal. But if I’m even more honest and not looking outwards, I know I am not where I want to be because I am attached to the comfort of my current seat. Taking risks is just much harder now that I have to take care of myself and 2 little humans I made.

  • Anonymous

    No. I’ve struggled to find a job in my career field. I was unemployed for 3 years after graduating & eventually started working casual retail jobs. I am now 30 years old, working an entry level position, with lowest pay possible & to top it off, my gyneacologist told me I have PCOS & should plan to have my children in the next 3 years. How does one do that when they are not financially stable? Women have it rough!

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no. Living on a Caribbean Island with my husband (idyllic, right?). However I had hoped that by 27 I’d be more financially stable, ready to start a family and have travelled more (all very privileged issues, but my dreams and my reality). I am grateful for what I have and know that I am following God’s plan and not my own. But I’m not where I thought I’d be.

  • Anonymous

    Yeah, I think so. I’ve met the love of my life and getting married early next year. I have an incredible job but it’s still new and finding my place. However, I’ve moved all the way across the world to be with him and sometimes it can feel lonely without my gals, family and old community. The important thing is to talk about your feelings and know that you’re never alone.

  • Anonymous

    i feel like i have made little progress and it’s not bad but just not great either. i had a fear of driving for many years and two years ago i got my license and bought a car. im forever grateful for the steps i took to overcoming my fears. i love how confident i am that i now can drive. i am not where i want to be in my career and im not sure if its because of fear of failure or adhd and my own personal stagnation or maybe im just self sabotaging. however i plan on continuing with my studies soon to really take a step in the right direction and start my career in fashion.

  • Anonymous

    Yes I am. Have a stable loving relationship, have raised and co parented a well balanced beautiful son, have a stable business I have built through sweat and tears over the last 10 years and a great support system of strong incredible women ❤️

  • Anonymous

    Yes, and no.
    For the longest time, I thought I would be single my whole life. I met an amazing man last year who turned out to not be my person and after thinking that we were going to get married being back on the dating market isn’t ideal at 36. But career wise, I finally feel like it’s going in the right direction For the longest time I felt like I was behind my peers, but only recently came to realize that we all bloom at different stages in our life or at our own pace.

  • Anonymous

    Yes in terms of family. No in terms of career we have had one set back after another and never really seem to get to a point of riding the wave.

  • Anonymous

    Yes indeed! I truly feel that I am exactly where God needs me to be! I feel truly blessed and at peace with all the life decisions that I have made (some of which have been challenging but absolutely necessary too!) I am running my own businesses and as a single women it is not easy but I know God has been so faithful to me. I am able to support my mom and aunt back home financially and my own expenses here whilst living alone. It’s such a privilege to have this gift of life as well as the opportunity to help others uncover their human potential through my business.

  • Anonymous

    No I thought I would be somewhere enhancing my Accounting career,but I’m still a degree graduate working as a cashier.

  • Anonymous

    Not at all. I thought I would be doing all that I’m passionate about. This include getting into the fashion industry & the coffee industry. Instead I have been unable to find another job for the last 10 months. I’m bouncing around accommodation. It’s gotten easier to let go & push through. But this was never how I expected I’d be in this part of my life.

  • Anonymous

    No. It’s been very difficult to get out of the relationship that I am in. I have 2 young boys and the thought of being a single mom scares me. I’ve lost my dad recently and no man figure to guide me. My happiness is of importance but also that of my children.

  • Anonymous

    I am! I never had a set plan for my life (5 year goals etc) but I have a husband and two beautiful children and a thriving business (which took a leap of faith to start). Of course a few more island holidays would be amazing but our health and lifestyle is everything I could have ever wanted. I’m so grateful.

  • Anonymous

    No! 3 years of infertility and desperate for a baby.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and No. Career wise and financially yes but family wise, being married and having children. It hasn’t happened yet so No

  • Anonymous

    Yes I say I would as I always wanted to be a mother who was flexible enough with work to make sure I am there for the big things and little things in my children’s life and I have that!!

  • Anonymous

    No, life definitely has not planned out how I ‘expected’ it to. I have recently immigrated to a third continent and am currently changing careers. Ive gone back to University to study. Changing my living situation as well as my career choice has set me back a few paces but I know it will all work out in the end.

  • Anonymous

    No I’m not but I’m trying everyday to start my business like buying material… Sometimes I feel like my fear is blocking me but deep down inside I know that this business will make sense to me and my spirit.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no. Yes, because I always dreamed of being independent, living my life the way I wanted to and being financially stable which I have at 31. No because my younger self thought I would have kids at this stage but it turns out I’m incredibly happy being the independent, childfree, fun aunt.

    My younger self couldn’t have even dreamed of the life I have now – she would be so proud!

  • Anonymous

    Yes! I’m happily married, mom of 2 girls, in a leadership role at work (where I’m the only female with a seat at the big table), I’m running better and faster than ever. The dreams I had when I was in my 20’s are now my reality.

  • Anonymous

    To be honest, I am happy with my husband and kids but I feel like I could be happier if I was back in the job market. I miss being a career woman, I always aspired to be this woman since high school and I was on the right trajectory – until Covid happened. But everything in good time 🙏🏾❤️

  • Anonymous

    Yes and No. I’m grateful to have grown emotionally, spiritually, and to have a beautiful community and friends. But I feel in terms of work dreams, giving back, and financially stability I’m not where I want to be yet. But grateful to have a hold of what’s most important and see that as a win and trust for the rest to fall into place!

  • Anonymous

    I am definitely not where I THOUGHT I would be at this stage in my life. It took me longer than expected to meet my perfect person, so I had thought I’d be married and had my children by this age. I also thought I might own a house, but SA property prices and a teacher’s salary are not really compatible. I do sometimes find I feel sad about the things I haven’t yet been able to do, but there is also so much about my life I love and can be grateful for.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no. At 30, I thought I would be married with kids and own a home & none of that has happened. But I also never dreamed of having such a full life filled with travel and adventure, and being able to create beautiful things every day for my job.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no. I am where I want to be financially, professionally and relationally, but I’m a bit older than I had imagined. Ageing is strange isn’t it? I think I needed these extra years. I think might still need a few more. Growing my family is the next ‘stage’, and wow that feels daunting and exciting and petrifying all at the same time.

  • Anonymous

    Yes in my marriage & relationship with my children. Yes in a pretty little studio working on creative projects. No in my relationship with Christ (I don’t prioritize the Word enough). No in my relationship with my body. No in the actual town we live in.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and no.
    I’m happily married with my first child on the way which is a dream come true, but on the other hand I feel that I should be more ahead in my career and I know that right now it can’t be my main focus which makes me feel like I am losing out on time. I know age is a number and there is no timeline for success, but there is a tiny part of me that wished I had waited to fall pregnant as I wanted to be a career woman first before becoming a mom.

  • Anonymous

    Mostly yes.I am very proud of my achievements both as a mother and as a career woman.I am able to financially manage my monthly household expenses, and provide for my children.Whilst my divorce in my early 30’s set me back for a few years emotionally, I have done therapy this year in order to get my mental health into a stronger place.The relationship and romance side of my life is not where I want it to be, but I am also consciously trying to make peace with that.Overall, I have amazing friends and family too and with the above said, I do feel that Life is Good!

  • Anonymous

    I definitely didn’t think life would look this way but it’s better than I could have imagined for myself ten years ago. Sometimes the dreams we have aren’t big enough. I Definitley thought I’d have kids by now though but I’m so grateful that I’ve had this extra time with just me and my husband. And trusting that in the right time kids will happen.

  • Anonymous

    Yes 😭 cannot believe how poetic life is. Hang in there, it all comes together.

  • Anonymous

    Yes & no…

    Yes – I am so grateful to be married & have kiddies – lifelong dream!

    But no, hoping to have bought a house and got my business running without me being involved on a daily basis.

    Grateful though to be alive & be where I am 🙏

  • Anonymous

    Absolutely. I worked so hard to get “here” and now that I am “here”, I’m afraid that it might slip away or that I won’t enjoy it fully. I have to be very purposeful to ensure that I truly live in this moment. I know that I will look back at this time in my life with the best feelings. So much self work, sacrifice, mistakes and tribulations led me here. I’m so grateful.

  • Anonymous

    Not at all, and for that I am grateful! Growing up, I think we can all have ideas about what it means to be an “adult”, what success looks like and create milestones in our heads that we need to reach by a certain age. It’s a lot of pressure!

    I have not reached a single milestone that I thought I would as a 30-year-old, but my life is fuller and richer than I expected. I’ve learnt (and am still learning) that surrendering my plans to God is way better and my life is more exciting, adventurous and “successful” than if I’d followed my own path.

  • Anonymous

    I’ve never thought about it! That is never thought where I’d want to be now, but I am happy with my life.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and No. I’m more me than I’ve ever been and in a good place but I’ve still got so far to go and grow. Life is a journey with lots of ups and downs. I don’t think you ever arrive at the perfect spot – it keeps evolving. Happy to say I’m learning to roll with the punches a lot better and that makes me happy.

  • Anonymous

    Unfortunately not. Although I have re-invented myself and settled into a new career 7 years ago, the world’s happenings the past five years played a huge roll in adding uncertainty in my world. Also unforeseen obstacles which I did overcome partly, added with family challenges made for a situation where I am not where I want to be, especially financially.

  • Anonymous

    No because I thought I would be a mother at this age, but because of my illnesses it’s been a struggle and I’m unable to afford many things or even go for IVF , or go to the doctors I want. Being sick has put me in a huge financial strain and I’m mentally and emotionally drained, I feel like my life is just passing me by. Every time I pay off my debt I’m back at square one in a few months, I never thought I would be this stressed, ever! Also I can’t even adopt with my financial situation so there’s no win.

  • Anonymous

    Absolutely. We can always want for more, however – I have my family, my health & inner peace – there is not much more one could ask for.

  • Anonymous

    Am a healthy 34 year old lady residing in Pretoria .Am stuck in a job that takes 12hours of my time everyday and am still under paid i would love to get a job that i can work 8 hours and get time for myself ,planning to go back to school and upgrade my academics .My dad had a wood cavings business and I’ve been thinking leaving my job and going to resume my dads legacy cause he always told us that the is nothing Fulfilling that being your boss .As yet am unable to be courageous to do that ..Hopefully ill one day wake up and so myself justice

  • Anonymous

    In terms of success, no. For years I’ve given and given, now I don’t have anything to show for it due to black tax, trying to help my family. I look back and realize I haven’t invested in myself at all now that I’m unemployed I see how important it is to save something for yourself and invest in yourself career wise. Although I’ve been going through it I do, however, see how it’s all brought me closer to God. Leaving the rest in His hands that His favor will renew and restore.

  • Anonymous

    In some aspects I’m in a better place than I could have imagined, in other parts I’m not. For the most part, I’m ok with where I am at and I’m happy for it to be a journey that takes its time. I’m tired of rushing to the next thing on my list. I’m ok to be in the present moment with things in place and others not.

  • Anonymous

    Yes in some ways. Married with a beautiful family. No in terms of finances and business goals and career.

  • Anonymous

    Honestly no, but in reflection I’m happier and more fulfilled than I could’ve dreamed and grateful for where I am and what’s in front of me right now.

  • Anonymous

    No. I am currently struggling to finish my qualifications, which makes it so hard to secure a job.

  • Anonymous

    I am not there yet but God and my ancestors have shown me love all time while I am working myself to get where I want to be❤️

  • Anonymous

    I expected to be “more successful” in terms of financial stability and more established for my age.
    But if I take money and age out of the equation: I have created a job I love and work with great people, as well as being available for my children.
    Wouldn’t trade that in – just need to get the financial stability next 🙂

  • Anonymous

    I am exactly where God needs and wants me to be. That’s the most important thing. The real question is why has he put me here. What does he need and want from me not what do I want. It’s all about the agreements we made for this lifetime and making sure that I do what I came here to do to deliver on his mission and purpose for my life. That I make the impact and contribution he wants me to make and that only I can make because he built me and only me perfectly to achieve it together with him.

  • Anonymous

    I didn’t achieve the life I thought I wanted, but the Universe had other, better plans for me. My path changed and I couldn’t be happier about it.

  • Anonymous

    Yes! I have a job that challenges and excites me, my friends are supportive and always around when I need them, my partner is a dream come true. I love my life.
    I never really assigned timelines to my goals, so whether it took me longer or shorter than others isn’t a factor.
    I’m happy, what more could I ask for?

  • Anonymous

    I feel like life have delt me an ugly hand. I’m 4 years behind with my life goals of hat I had envisioned and it has been the biggest struggle for me. But I’ve learned to appreciate that my turn was only meant to be now and not sooner than I thought.


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January 25's question:
Who has shaped your life in the most significant way? Tell a story about them.
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Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
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June 24's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?
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What is your happiest memory of your mother or a maternal figure?
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When it comes to work, what is your negative self-talk?
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What was your biggest victory in 2023?
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What is one event in your life that you wish you could change, and how would you change it?
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When you think of the word ‘rejection’, what memory comes to mind?
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What is the most intense pain you’ve experienced that wasn’t physical?
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When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?
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What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in the past year?
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When was the last time you felt lonely, and what made you feel that way?
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Is there a family tradition from your childhood that you have instilled, or would like to one day instil, in your own family?
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Who was your most influential teacher in school? What impact did they have on your life?
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What is the kindest thing someone has done for you in the past year?
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What has been your biggest victory in the past year?
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December 22's question:
When was the last time you felt brave? What were you doing that made you feel that way?
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