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This month's question:
When you think of the word ‘rejection’, what memory comes to mind?
There have been 24 answers to this question so far.
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Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).

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When you think of the word ‘rejection’, what memory comes to mind?

  • Anonymous

    When I was younger, I made a big mistake that hurt some people in my life. I did everything to try and rectify that, I asked for forgiveness over and over, but I realised that they weren’t ready to forgive me. Everyone moved on with their lives, and I lost everything I knew, I learnt to navigate a new life, by myself. 8 years later, I have finally forgiven myself, even though I’ve never been forgiven by others.

    I can’t change the past, but I can for sure focus on my present and be grateful for my new life.

  • Anonymous

    My absent father, definitely my first experience of what rejection is/feels like.

  • Anonymous

    Missing the chance to tell a friend how much you like them, and seeing them grow with someone else.

  • Anonymous

    That my dad chose to not be part of my life

  • Anonymous

    After my miscarriage, I was told I’m so useless that I can’t even carry a baby.

  • Anonymous

    Entering my High School years, being an introvert struggling to make friends

  • Anonymous

    Been looking for a job for 1.5 years and constantly comming up short or just just not making the cut. It’s so disheartening.

  • Anonymous

    My dad – from a young age, my 1st best friend, 2nd best friend, 3d best friend, my first girlfriend.

  • Anonymous

    I have recently been looking for a new teaching job for relocation purposes. I have experience in number of very good schools, and feel I’m a hard worker and have a lot to offer. Over the past few months I have applied for about 9 different posts, got two interviews, but not one offer. I’ve never experienced this degree of rejection in my career and it is so hard not to think that it’s because I’m not good enough.

  • Anonymous

    My mother.

  • Anonymous

    Being the only person retrenched from a large team I’d been part of for over 10 years. I feel rejected, not good enough and unimportant despite continuing in a freelance role. I’m left out of meetings, emails, and feel like I never know what’s going on. My work “friends” don’t care.

  • Anonymous

    Mostly strongly, the reinforced self-impression I have when previous relationships have ended. No matter how hard you try to believe it is not a reflection of your character or worth it still stings somewhere deep inside because you don’t feel chosen.

  • Anonymous

    My younger sister having a baby, and my parents becoming grandparents for the first time & totally forgetting that they even have another daughter 😔 they hardly call or visit me anymore and it hurts like hell.

  • Anonymous

    Being the only one of your big group of cousins who doesn’t have kids & not getting invited to your nieces & nephews birthday parties, and then having to see photos from the parties on the family WhatsApp groups & online & realizing you’re the only one missing just because you’re not a Mum yourself 💔

  • Anonymous

    When your work team of 14 years gets “disbanded” and you’re the only one left at the company. You get place in a new team who just don’t add you to meetings, are only nice to your face but complain about you behind your back. And the boss clearly doesn’t like you doesn’t like or support you. 13 months and I still can’t seem to find something new. But I still wake up everyday and face it with the best smile I can. The right time will come for acceptance from a new team.

  • Anonymous

    When you send your best friend of 12 years a happy birthday and they respond with a message saying you don’t need to worry about remembering things like that any more and that they just don’t think you’re friends anymore, then they remove you from all their social media profiles.

  • Anonymous

    I had a childhood friend that I had known since I was 3, suddenly ghost me 27 years later. We were besties, roommates, even maids of honours at eachothers weddings. Then suddenly nothing. And I’ve never understood why. But I do wish her well despite it.

  • Anonymous

    Being a child. Always feeling like the ‘odd one out’ in my own family.

  • Anonymous

    How do you explain the rejection you feel when a very close friend suddenly gets into a romantic relationship and then completely ignores you. The contrast of being in their life to them becoming a stranger you still want to share all the moments in your life with. It feels like everything you went through together means nothing to them.

  • Anonymous

    Knowing that it wasn’t worth catching feelings toward any guy friends, cos I was never an option to them. Being plus size your whole life means living through rejection in so many ways.

  • Anonymous

    My husband cheating on me 4 times during our 17 years of marriage and leaving me and my two children for a woman at work.

  • Anonymous

    High school. All girls boarding school. In the group one minute, cast out the next. At that age, that treatment has a very informing impact on your adult life. It undermines self confidence and self worth. Too subtle to be identified as bullying, but such a dreadful impact.

  • Anonymous

    My best friend of 7 years sent me an email saying we couldn’t be friends anymore and that I must not make contact with her.

    It was void of emption, brief and left me feeling absolutely rejected. I had shared so much of life with this friend and then suddenly no explanation just dumped. And it’s a friend not a boyfriend, so it’s a weird space but it hurt more than any boyfriend break up!

  • Anonymous

    Ooof that’s deep, and far too familiar of late. Rejection can be a very triggering word and feeling for many. My very recent memory of rejection, coming from my recently-separated partner – not wanting children. Rejection feels painful. May reflection heal and rewire.


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