This month's question:
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

Stories from Strangers
We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).
Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.
Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
Want more questions?

Cards for Conversation may look like a small box but the questions it contains are big. Play it with friends, family, and strangers to move past the ‘howzits’ and create spaces for connecting, processing, and feeling known.
Buy a boxFrom the archives
January 25's question:
Who has shaped your life in the most significant way? Tell a story about them.

July 24's question:
Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life? Why or why not?

June 24's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?

May 24's question:
What is your happiest memory of your mother or a maternal figure?

February 24's question:
When it comes to work, what is your negative self-talk?

January 24's question:
November 23's question:
What is one event in your life that you wish you could change, and how would you change it?

October 23's question:
When you think of the word ‘rejection’, what memory comes to mind?

September 23's question:
What is the most intense pain you’ve experienced that wasn’t physical?

August 23's question:
When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?

May 23's question:
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in the past year?

May 23's question:
When was the last time you felt lonely, and what made you feel that way?

April 23's question:
Is there a family tradition from your childhood that you have instilled, or would like to one day instil, in your own family?

March 23's question:
Who was your most influential teacher in school? What impact did they have on your life?

February 23's question:
What is the kindest thing someone has done for you in the past year?

January 23's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?

December 22's question:
When was the last time you felt brave? What were you doing that made you feel that way?

Don’t live for others but yourself. You need to strengthen your inner self prepared for the future hardships. Whatever you did, that was not wrong. Just try to build confidence and be independent as much as you can. Think about what you want to be seriously and take decisions wisely about what to study. After eight years, you will be fine if just think about yourself for once.
Stop caring so much about what you look like, instead focus all those wasted thoughts and energy on expanding your mind & life, getting to know what brings you joy, and on building real connections with people. Seriously consider studying something that will lead you to a career you will find fulfilling long-term. Life can be so full and not as depressing and difficult as you currently think it is. You can make a life worth living. And even if you make all the same decisions, you’ll end up with a great, financially comfortable life full of all sorts of weird and wonderful human relationships, travel, love, family and constant learning.
You are more loved than you think. You have worth. All the unkinedsess are not truth. The truth is you were created for a purpose and life is a beautiful journey. You’re going to be ok. Seek out those adults who see the real you and believe in you.
You’re never too much, don’t let anyone tell you otherise. Keep your spark shining bright.
The friends you have right now are the strongest bonds you’ll ever have. Keep up those friendships. You grew up together, nobody can replicate those experiences. Don’t say “It’s ok, I’ll make new friends”. Call the ones you have and keep those bonds strong.
You are more powerful than you can even imagine. More soft, tender, caring and compassionate than you can ever imagine.
You have a uniqe genius that will take time to develop and mature.
It will take time for you to see yourself for who you truly are.
And then – you will fly.
You’ll build a beautiful life despite the hardships.
Keep going.
He doesn’t know how to love you. Fill yourself with all the love you pour into him and move on. Also, save your virginity
Compounding is a powerful force that can change everything—your money, career, connections, and family life. Invest in these areas early, keep building, and watch as small steps turn into big leaps. Each year you work on your skills, you’re stacking growth on growth, and soon enough, your career and abilities will skyrocket.
The friendships you make early on? They can evolve into amazing networks and support systems. When you invest in family and friendships, they give back in ways you might not expect. And financially, well, compounding speaks for itself. If I could go back, I’d tell my younger self: start early, stick with it; the results are so worth it.
Try to believe in yourself – and your convictions – moreso than those around you who love you. They may be giving you well-intended advice, so listen and learn from them… but trust your instincts and don’t let their fears become your fears. Even if it means feeling like you’re going against the grain.
Keep waiting. Waiting for your husband is not easy and it’s not a short journey but it is so worth it. He is worth it, so don’t give your heart to men who can’t handle it. Wait for your husband.
To not compare myself to my friends. To love myself, believe in myself and to have boundaries 💓
Go out and find love, stop waiting for live to be perfect first.
Stop looking for excuses to not be in a relationship
God is with you and has your back! It gets better than this, and yes, you are loved, you matter, and oh you just wait and see at how the world is waiting for your manifestation!
To be patient, kind and caring towards myself. It will no always be easy but you’ve got this and it all will work out at the end.
Don’t worry. Stay strong. You will figure it out in the end. Who your true friends are. Also who the true enemy is. It’s right in front of you but you are wearing rose tinted glasses. Don’t worry you might wait long for it, but you will find what you have always longed for.
Love yourself. You are good enough. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. Be your authentic self.
Don’t ever go on a diet. It is not effective and screws with your body. Eat nutritious food. Move your body. Then aacept your body. It has done and will do amazing things for you. No one are going to miss the size of your body when you are gone.
I love you
Love is nothing like the movies. If you’d just let go of constructing these scenes, you’ll find it’s even better! It also hurts more, though. But the better is worth it. Especially the part where you learn to love yourself and allow yourself to be loved. I promise it will be better. But you have to let go.
Love yourself, you are beautiful just the way you are, you don’t need to take it to the extremes to fit in a size 6 or even fit into that group, you are not even friends with those people anymore. Respect your body and know your worth, you do not need all that “attention”. Take care of yourself, you find the most amazing husband and build a beautiful life for yourself. Focus on yourself and your future. Everything works out, just keep going.
Pick your hard, learn about health and how your body works and do the best you can so you live the most, but more than that learn kindness and how to love others
Whoever your life partner is will shape your life stay true to yourself but also support others and try to grow together not separately becoming a parent will reshape your whole world so show up with love for that
Stop wasting your time on people who don’t care. Stop trying to show those people that you’re worth caring about. Start caring about yourself more and do what makes you happy because other people will end up doing what’s best for them without considering you anyway.
Stay strong, everything is going to be alright
You’ll still be in your life in 16 years. The ones you tried to change for won’t be.
Be true to yourself!