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This month's question:
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
There have been 6 answers to this question so far.
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Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).

Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

  • Anonymous

    Love is nothing like the movies. If you’d just let go of constructing these scenes, you’ll find it’s even better! It also hurts more, though. But the better is worth it. Especially the part where you learn to love yourself and allow yourself to be loved. I promise it will be better. But you have to let go.

  • Anonymous

    Love yourself, you are beautiful just the way you are, you don’t need to take it to the extremes to fit in a size 6 or even fit into that group, you are not even friends with those people anymore. Respect your body and know your worth, you do not need all that “attention”. Take care of yourself, you find the most amazing husband and build a beautiful life for yourself. Focus on yourself and your future. Everything works out, just keep going.

  • Anonymous

    Pick your hard, learn about health and how your body works and do the best you can so you live the most, but more than that learn kindness and how to love others
    Whoever your life partner is will shape your life stay true to yourself but also support others and try to grow together not separately becoming a parent will reshape your whole world so show up with love for that

  • Anonymous

    Stop wasting your time on people who don’t care. Stop trying to show those people that you’re worth caring about. Start caring about yourself more and do what makes you happy because other people will end up doing what’s best for them without considering you anyway.

  • Anonymous

    Stay strong, everything is going to be alright

  • Anonymous

    You’ll still be in your life in 16 years. The ones you tried to change for won’t be.

    Be true to yourself!


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From the archives

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What is the most intense pain you’ve experienced that wasn’t physical?
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August 23's question:
When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?
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May 23's question:
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in the past year?
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May 23's question:
When was the last time you felt lonely, and what made you feel that way?
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January 23's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?
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December 22's question:
When was the last time you felt brave? What were you doing that made you feel that way?
There have been 37 answers to this question.
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