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Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
There have been 12 answers to this question.
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Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life? Why or why not?
There have been 110 answers to this question.
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What has been your biggest victory in the past year?
There have been 9 answers to this question.
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What is your happiest memory of your mother or a maternal figure?
There have been 6 answers to this question.
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When it comes to work, what is your negative self-talk?
There have been 17 answers to this question.
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What was your biggest victory in 2023?
There have been 24 answers to this question.
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What is one event in your life that you wish you could change, and how would you change it?
There have been 9 answers to this question.
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When you think of the word ‘rejection’, what memory comes to mind?
There have been 24 answers to this question.
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What is the most intense pain you’ve experienced that wasn’t physical?
There have been 17 answers to this question.
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When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?
There have been 18 answers to this question.
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