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This month's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?
There have been 29 answers to this question so far.
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Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).

Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.

What has been your biggest victory in the past year?

  • Anonymous

    When I said “thank you” when somebody complimented me instead of shying away from it and giving the person reasons on why I think I don’t deserve that compliment.

  • Anonymous

    Getting my husband the mental healthcare he needs. After a long period of darkness he finally had the courage to admit he is struggling and needs help. He has been diagnosed with depression and is getting the help he needs!

    We are both healing and finding happiness together again ????

  • Anonymous

    After doing talk therapy for almost two decades and being mostly anti-medication (“It’s not *that* bad; I’m not *that* bad”), I decided to visit a psychiatrist. She prescribed anti-depressants, which have been a game-changer for my anxiety! I’m so glad I was vulnerable enough to admit that maybe I needed more help. That white-knuckling it through life was no way to live.

  • Anonymous

    My biggest victory this past year has to be falling pregnant for the third time and finally seeing that precious heartbeat. Almost at the 12 week mark and baby is looking perfect so far.

    It’s been 2+ years, 2 miscarriages, 3 operations, heartache and isolation so profound it’s hard to put words to it. But through intense work I managed to shift a lot of emotional blocks, dealt with childhood trauma and confronted friends and family members to face their part in it. I finally found my voice.

    With help, I started seeing our fertility journey as something to be grateful for. The growth, the depth of empathy I feel for others, the victories in our marriage to face the ugly parts and deal with it together to create something profoundly more beautiful.

    I know without a doubt that we will be far better parents to that little soul having been through this unimaginable pain. Our victory is our child. Our victory is our marriage. Our victory is making life beautiful every day, even during the toughest of times.

  • Anonymous

    My biggest victory would have to be when I finally gained the courage to leave my previous job. It felt like a toxic relationship where I was made to feel worthless, and somebody that couldn’t amount to anything. I was made to feel that I couldn’t do anything right. I operated out of a space of constant fear, fear of failing, and fear of how my boss would react if I did. I believed that I was unemployable and lacked the skills that any company would look for. The victory was overcoming the lies and lack of confidence, to leave that environment. Believe it or not, I have a new job. One where I feel valued, supported, and seen as a knowledge expert. I feel like 3 decades into my life, I am finally thriving, and it all began after I had the courage to run away from the toxicity.

  • Anonymous

    My biggest victory this year has been seeking counseling to help understand my moms depression and how to have a better relationship with her.
    And, smashing life with TB! (although it’s been hard, I’m coming through????????)

  • Anonymous

    Surviving spiritual, emotional, and psychological abuse from a really toxic and disastrous redundancy scenario and another situation where what was promised was not delivered as promised even though I had paid a lot of money for it. It has been utterly cruel and awful and there were many times I asked God to please take me home to heaven. This world has gone mad and I just don’t know how my heart is designed to thrive in what feels like hell on earth. No idea how the heck I’m going to find a new job that I can cope with off the back of the trauma of the last year, and I only have a couple of months left of redundancy money before I have no way of paying rent. But I’m still alive. Still taking one step at a time. Still trying to hope that things can be different, but I’m just really tired of life feeling like a giant pile of ????

  • Anonymous

    Moving past depression and getting my dream job which has given me so much purpose and fulfillment.

  • Anonymous

    My husband had a major op and many nights leaving the hospital, I cried not knowing if he would be alive the next day. My biggest victory was him coming home and going on a run with him this evening. Now we look forward to celebrating 2 years of marriage in April and it will be the first anniversary we can do something because he won’t be sick!

  • Anonymous

    Learning to say no, value my time and space and invest more into goals

  • Anonymous

    Learning to say No and not feel guilty about it.

  • Anonymous

    I started therapy this December. After giving birth, I caught my husband cheating on me 4 times and it crushed me beyond recognition. I am still hurting. I suffered through that pain alone, without uttering a word of my suffering to a single person. My therapist believes that our marriage should be given one more fighting chance, with the right tools. But my biggest victory was recognising that I am utterly crushed into a million little pieces and I seeked professional help. After recognising my pain and addressing it – I feel more liberated and supported which is all I ever need ❤️

  • Anonymous

    Moving cities and slowing down. It’s taken a while to get used to a slower pace without my friends around the corner, but I’ve grown immensely, learnt to rely on myself, had to put myself out there and I’m super proud for making it through the first year.

  • Anonymous

    I feel like I have overcome my fear of the future (or at least partly). I used to be scared of making decisions, of having responsibilities and people relying on me. Last year my goal was to work through that and I feel like I’ve found some sort of victory in this area.

  • Anonymous

    Moving to a new city for a new role completely on my own. And shortly after getting there, I also needed to navigate a tough break up too.

    Albeit a tough time, I decided to face the change and uncertainty head on. And I’m so glad I did! I didn’t know what the next month would look like but I knew I needed to take each day as it comes. And in the end, I came through with a small yet beautiful group of new (and old) friends and new certainty that I can do tough things on my own yet still remain soft and vulnerable – a character trait that I’ve grown to love.

  • Anonymous

    Overcoming my need for alcohol to numb feelings or override my social anxiety. Deep introspection. Deep work. Profound shifts and some healing. It’s been so hard but so so worth it.

  • Anonymous

    A mahoosive journey of learning about myself and learning how best to love myself. I’m still at it but it sure is a victory to see how far I’ve come in the last year.

  • Anonymous

    Conquering my fear of being a mom of two when I just signed a lease to a store. The little guy is now four months old and I wouldn’t want the juggle to be any other way!

  • Anonymous

    Being absolutely terrified to do something, but doing it anyway. No one is going to hold your hand through life, and sometimes you just need to do things for you.

    I moved overseas by myself without a job or a plan, I just knew I needed to go and followed my gut.

  • Anonymous

    Becoming a mom for the first time in January and losing my sister suddenly in May ❤️‍???? the combination of postpartum and new motherhood as well as shock and grief has felt relentless at times.

  • Anonymous

    Being able to say no and set boundaries for my mental well-being

  • Anonymous

    Moving to a new country and coping, despite crippling anxiety and underlying depression. I did it – for myself, and for my kids. Taking small steps every day!

  • Anonymous

    Giving birth to my baby girl who is healthy and thriving.

  • Anonymous

    Keeping a small human alive!

  • Anonymous

    Getting through the year and coming out on the other side happier, healthier and living more of the life I want to live.

  • Anonymous

    Having to be in charge of our family business with limited experience after my healthy dad (and boss) suffered a sudden stroke. There were many days where I didn’t know what to do and it felt as if a burden had been placed on my shoulders. It was an anxious time both in my work and family life. I can now look back at this time and appreciate the life and work experience I received out of it.

  • Anonymous

    Probably one of my biggest victories was forgiving a friend who had hurt me. We had had a fallout and I had distanced myself to protect my heart, thinking that I had ‘worked through’ everything and that things were fine. But as the year went on, the cracks started to show and I realised I had un-dealt with offence.

    I sent her a message and asked her for coffee. We met, I poured out my heart, she listened intently, I cried as I let her into the very tender rooms of my offence, we both spoke honestly, she hugged me and told me she had no idea what I had gone through on my side. I told her I had forgiven her, and asked her for forgiveness for a hardened heart on my end. We hugged and I walked off, realising that I had carried the weight of both a broken and offended heart for over a year.

    I can’t begin to tell you how light I felt after that conversation. Forgiveness is my victory.

  • Anonymous

    Starting therapy.

  • Anonymous

    Learning to let things go and trusting that time and process will do their work in restoring equilibrium. And buying a dishwasher.


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