This month's question:
What is one event in your life that you wish you could change, and how would you change it?

Stories from Strangers
We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).
Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.
Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.
What is one event in your life that you wish you could change, and how would you change it?
Want more questions?

Cards for Conversation may look like a small box but the questions it contains are big. Play it with friends, family, and strangers to move past the ‘howzits’ and create spaces for connecting, processing, and feeling known.
Buy a boxFrom the archives
January 25's question:
Who has shaped your life in the most significant way? Tell a story about them.

September 24's question:
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

July 24's question:
Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life? Why or why not?

June 24's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?

May 24's question:
What is your happiest memory of your mother or a maternal figure?

February 24's question:
When it comes to work, what is your negative self-talk?

January 24's question:
October 23's question:
When you think of the word ‘rejection’, what memory comes to mind?

September 23's question:
What is the most intense pain you’ve experienced that wasn’t physical?

August 23's question:
When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?

May 23's question:
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in the past year?

May 23's question:
When was the last time you felt lonely, and what made you feel that way?

April 23's question:
Is there a family tradition from your childhood that you have instilled, or would like to one day instil, in your own family?

March 23's question:
Who was your most influential teacher in school? What impact did they have on your life?

February 23's question:
What is the kindest thing someone has done for you in the past year?

January 23's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?

December 22's question:
When was the last time you felt brave? What were you doing that made you feel that way?

In my impulsiveness and immaturity and through the unfair actions of another person, I stood before my crush with the choice to lamely pretend I had no idea why he was called outside to the parking lot with me coincidentally also there and no one else in sight OR to own the moment and ask him out. I knew pretending would be lamer than taking the risk and saying what had been on my mind for a while. So I awkwardly asked him out for a coffee. He hesitantly said yes. The date never happened because he quietly left me on read when I followed up via text and we never spoke of it again. There are many details I wish could change but the biggest change of them all: I wish I had spent more time befriending myself and heeding my friends’ input about the celebration and preciousness of being single and knowing oneself. I wish I had done this work way earlier but I guess this embarrassing moment is still part of the journey 🙂
To be honest there are many events that might have taken me along a different road in life should I have changed them. But God has allowed me free will to navigate my own course and as such I have had the most amazing life with all of its ups and downs that has allowed me to be the character filled person that I am today….
I honestly wouldn’t change anything. I’ve experienced traumatic events and a rough adolescence. But I’ve grown so much these last couple of years, that I am able to find strength in those events. And also a deeper understanding of things and a deeper compassion towards others.
Honestly, I feel so changed after the covid pandemic. I emigrated as the pandemic hit, coupled with the way we all had to adapt to survive and cope with the reality of separation and death. I feel like it sapped all the joy and celebration from the world. I didn’t know humanity could be so unfairly robbed on a large scale like that. I think Im still trying to find that part of me who was more lighthearted, giving and free.
My wedding. I loved it, it was magical. But knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t invite 200 people and go into debt, I would keep it super simple and invite less people. I can’t remember half of them anyway. Haha
There are so many things I’ve thought about instantly, like: Why did I stay 6 years in a toxic, unhealthy, emotionally abusive relationship?
or, had I looked at our move overseas as if it was temporary and not forever, I might have enjoyed it more, instead of stressing the whole time how we would make it work…
However, both of those pretty stressful times in my life, helped me become stronger, wiser, smarter, softer, more empathetic and if I changed that, I’d change me.
So as much as I sometimes wish I could change things, I know things are exactly the way they happened for a reason.
My parents falling out of love & watching it. I don’t think there would be anything I could do to change it. It was hard to see but it made me value the kind of love I would like to experience one day.
Having covid. The trauma of it. Resulting in PTSD and deep anxiety. The disconnect it caused with me and my breastfeeding baby at the time. Her dad had to become the sole provider for her as my milk stopped and I was hospitalized. The side effects. Exhaustion. Brain fog. Being on medication. In my ideal world, covid not happening would be what I would change
I have experienced many things in life that have affected me deeply and greatly. But looking back on all of those experiences, I don’t think I would change a single one. They have all happened to bring me to the place I am at and become the person I am today. It is easier to look back and think how you would change a choice you made or whatever you did but that is from a place of higher knowledge and growth. Everything happens for a reason ❤️