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This month's question:
What is the kindest thing someone has done for you in the past year?
There have been 15 answers to this question so far.
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Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).

Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.

What is the kindest thing someone has done for you in the past year?

  • Anonymous

    During one of my worst days, someone I highly regard didn’t just listen or give advice, but took time to find something that will not only distract me but improve our friendship too and we played a game very similar to these cards. Allowing us to laugh, almost cry, but also get closer on a deeper level.

    It meant a lot to me but it also helped me shift my focus.

  • Anonymous

    One of the things I have so missed since our son’s departure for heaven is his big bear hugs (I mean so tight you can barely breathe hugs)

    I feel God’s incredible kindness to me every time our two little grandsons arrive and launch themselves at me, wrapping their arms around my neck and squeezing till I can hardly breathe… I now have a double portion of this huggy goodness which makes me so grateful…

  • Anonymous

    I grew up in a family where verbal abuse was a daily thing. This passed year my husband has encouraged and loved me in ways that I never expected from anyone. We have just welcomed our little boy into our world and knowing that my husband is his father gives me great comfort in knowing he will be raised well. Not like I was ♡

  • Anonymous

    I made a horrible mistake in my marriage and there was so much kindness, support and encouragement from some of our close friends with regard to working through all the trauma. They walked the journey with my husband and I and never wavered. The support was invaluable and appreciated beyond words. We are mostly on the other side, working toward a stronger marriage everyday.

  • Anonymous

    My mother and I don’t always get along and often she has made me feel unhappy about my body and figure. I was shopping with her one day and saw and tried on a dress that I absolutely fell in love with and felt so beautiful in. My mother then made some unkind remarks that made me feel ugly so I didn’t buy the dress. Later that week, after telling my boyfriend about what had happened on the day with my mother, I arrived home and my boyfriend gifted me with the dress and told me that “no one should ever make me feel like that again”.

  • Anonymous

    My friends came to the airport to say goodbye and pray for me before going back overseas to finish my studies.

  • Anonymous

    After my luggage got lost somewhere in Europe for my ENTIRE holiday and landed back in Lisbon after I had already gone home – I spent weeks back in SA trying to get the airport to release it and send it to Cape Town. Lo and behold while talking to a friend after another frustrating teary day on hold with Portuguese customer services 30 days after the bag went missing – she mentioned that her brother who I had only met a handful of times had RANDOMLY landed in Lisbon that day. He went to the airport for me to stand in long queues, spoke his way through lost and found, paid for extra luggage, checked my bag in via London and JHB and eventually to Cape Town and brought it back to me safely – what a legendary admin filled thing to do for someone you barely knew. The best human.

  • Anonymous

    I came back to London before my husband was able to come over, and had to move house by myself. It was the 1st of January. My amazing friends rallied around me and helped me cart everything to my new flat. And not only did they help me move, they made dinner for me, invited me over all the time and made sure I was loved and celebrated on my birthday. I have the kindest friends!

  • Anonymous

    My husband and I have been married for just over a year and while reflecting on kindness I came to realise that the kindest thing someone has done is for him to show me grace day after day, from the small things (misplacing EVERYTHING) to the big (unkind words and silly offenses). I’m someone who really doesn’t like to make mistakes, so to be shown grace upon grace in this way has been such a humbling lesson in love and gratitude! There’s something about continuing-kindness that unravels our pride and teaches us to live in/live from grace.

  • Anonymous

    My husband was very ill in hospital and one of his friends stayed up with me on the phone for hours in the middle of the night just so that I didn’t have to be alone. He died soon after that and she checks in on me everyday and tells me one normal thing she does like planting bulbs or doing the ironing. Just so that it feels like there is a normal world out there even if my world has tilted. She has been so kind.

  • Anonymous

    My friends have sat and listened to me talk about the same trauma the whooooole year and never once made me feel like I was burdening them. No matter when, they would sit with me and unpack the same situations time and time again until I felt better. They helped me fixed a heart they didn’t break and I couldn’t be more grateful to them for that.

  • Anonymous

    I’m in ED recovery and a friend of mine stayed up with me until 22:00 over FaceTime just so I wouldn’t have dinner alone.

  • Anonymous

    Flew from Joburg to George just to drive me back to Joburg over the next two days, so that I didn’t have to do the 14-hour drive alone. Plus, while in George, helped me pack up my house, carried boxes to the attic and storage facility, fetched a bakkie for me, strapped my mattress to the roof and transported it, plus helped my dad whose car wouldn’t start. Which meant they had to work late into the night after helping me and driving me all day. Acts of service much.

  • Anonymous

    In the depths of a depressive episode last year, I reached out to two friends to tell them that I really wasn’t coping – I couldn’t get out of bed, let alone make a meal for myself.

    I’m usually the person that people come to when things go wrong, so letting them into my weakness and asking for help was a really big deal.

    The next day they dropped off 2kgs worth of Woolies lasagne to get me through the week. I felt so seen, and so known in that moment. And it meant that the little square inch of space I had left on my capacity-plate didn’t have to be used up by thinking about how I was going to feed myself.

    I never thought a Woolies lasagne could leave such a deeply impactful mark on my heart, and yet here I am, talking about it a year later.

  • Anonymous

    Someone in my life was struggling with the passing of their dad, so decided to be there to help them as a family honour their dad on his birthday


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