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This month's question:
What was your biggest victory in 2023?
There have been 24 answers to this question so far.
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Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).

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What was your biggest victory in 2023?

  • Anonymous

    Leaving a corporate job for a lower paying job at a startup, best decision I ever made. Your mental health has no price tag!

  • Anonymous

    I became a mother, and finished my degree with a distinction, with a newborn baby 🤩

  • Anonymous

    I worked three jobs for the last 4 years to be able to help support my parents when they retire. I am SO proud of what I have achieved by not only doing these jobs and getting paid, but proving to the companies that I am adding value, and an important part of the team. So in 2023, when my parents retired, I bought them a house, 600m from our house, and I felt like a boss b*tch! haha

  • Anonymous

    I started my first job, moved to a new town and my biggest victory is that I finished my masters’ degree!

  • Anonymous

    The sad thing is, I don’t actually know. I’m still trying to find my victories ♥️

  • Anonymous

    i survived. got divorced, lost 1 company, started another, did the bloody work with my therapist and stepped away from situations that were no longer serving me. here’s to 2024 – being stronger, even more resilient and ready to reclaim my chaotic life.

  • Anonymous

    My biggest victory of 2023 was standing up after being betrayed & belittled. It’s funny how you think that you cannot live without someone, but when they disappear you realise that you can (and you are actually better off!)
    I feel unstoppable. The fear is gone.

  • Anonymous

    Started a new job in 2023, moved to a new city and life started to unfold in a beautiful way. I started to see the life I had worked hard for starting to come to reality.

  • Anonymous

    Surviving year 1 of running my own business full time – after leaving a very intense corporate job!

  • Anonymous

    I knitted a really beautiful scarf for a person I really love. I have a bad habit of not finishing things so this felt amazing and has helped my craft confidence so much!

  • Anonymous

    I bought myself a house. 🥹

  • Anonymous

    Leaving an abusive relationship.

  • Anonymous

    2023 i felt alive. i laughed, i cried, i learned, i taught.
    i felt incredibly in touch with myself and my values.
    most of all, i felt content and that’s the biggest victory i could ever ask for.

  • Anonymous

    I survived my first year of teaching! 2023 was really difficult, I lost my grandmother to cancer at the beginning of the year, I found out I had ADD, I had to pay for everything and live alone for the very first time in my life! But I did it. I managed to see a therapist throughout the year, I asked for a lot of help (which is difficult for me to do) and I survived! (Ooh and I also got married to my best friend at the end of the year, which is pretty awesome).

  • Anonymous

    Learning to love myself 🤍

  • Anonymous

    Surviving a devastating incurable diagnosis.
    Finding a way to be happy again.

  • Anonymous

    Getting the courage to leave the long term unhealthy/emotionally abusive relationship I was in. And thus reclaiming parts of me he tried to take away!

  • Anonymous

    Just surviving the year. One day at a time.

  • Anonymous

    Getting my health back and loving myself!

  • Anonymous

    Finding my ride or die friends. The people who are actually there for me through every season no matter how bad: and still stay. Finding emotionally mature and intelligent people. The people who make me feel loved, appreciated and motivate me to be better. I am because they are.

  • Anonymous

    We had our third (and last) baby!

  • Anonymous

    Honestly just surviving a year where I thought I was going to drown in my own thoughts and emotions from constantly putting others and their happiness before my own.

  • Anonymous

    Surviving the year my Dad died and I had to deal with it personally and take over his business.
    I made it and did an even better job than I thought I ever would.

  • Anonymous

    Finally getting my first dream dog, at the perfect time to keep me company through an incredibly tough break up. Victory = having the best companion and creating the best little life together #humansbestfriend 🐾❤️


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