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This month's question:
When it comes to work, what is your negative self-talk?
There have been 17 answers to this question so far.
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When it comes to work, what is your negative self-talk?

  • Anonymous

    Believing that my work is mediocre and that I could have given more.

  • Anonymous

    I find it difficult to accept compliments pertaining to my work because i think they are exaggerating, i never really feel the they seem to see things.

  • Anonymous

    “The other people on the team are better than you.”

  • Anonymous

    I’m faking it, I really don’t know what I’m doing and someone will find out.

  • Anonymous

    That my work isn’t as impressive/high-paying as my friends, I’m not as successful as those around me, and I’m not making enough money

  • Anonymous

    That I’m not good enough and that I have low self-confidence

  • Anonymous

    There is someone who can do this job better than me…because maybe I am not as great as I sometimes think I am

  • Anonymous

    That I’ll never be good enough. That I’m always behind and can’t seem to catch up.

  • Anonymous

    that i’ve done too much and my 9 page document is not a one pager and now I’ll be labelled crazy again so I have to edit it done and it feels like I’m erasing myself in the process of summarisation!

  • Anonymous

    I haven’t done enough

  • Anonymous

    Fear and failure

  • Anonymous

    That I have great potential but it will be wasted because I’m not brave enough to go out and do what I know I can.

  • Anonymous

    I always feel like I’m not good enough

  • Anonymous

    That I’m probably making a mistake with a task, that answers and solutions are obvious to everyone except me and that I’m the only one who isn’t innovative and dreams of taking a nap 😴

  • Anonymous

    Am I good enough? Have I taken on more than I can handle? Am I fooling everyone into thinking I’m competent? Is everyone secretly cross with me?

  • Anonymous

    That I’m not capable of doing work, insecure about my abilities to perform

  • Anonymous

    Will I cut it? Am a good enough/qualified for the job? How long before people realise I am a fraud? I am short on creative juice.


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