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This month's question:
When was the last time you felt lonely, and what made you feel that way?
There have been 23 answers to this question so far.
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Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).

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When was the last time you felt lonely, and what made you feel that way?

  • Anonymous

    Today. Mother’s Day is always a really difficult day for me. I have a very complicated relationship with my mother, one that has made me hold on to a lot of sadness, anger and envy for others’ mothers. Having a whole day dedicated to mothers makes me feel so lonely because I can’t seem to celebrate mine.

  • Anonymous

    I’ve worked really hard for the past 10 years and am now at a senior level. It’s been rewarding to finally get here, but what I didn’t anticipate was the loneliness. I’ve built a team that I love, but now feel the need to separate myself from them in order to maintain a leadership structure. Trying to balance being an empathetic leader, without needing to be their best friend – a tough task for a someone’s whose number 1 strength (according to Strengthfinder) is “Woo”!

  • Anonymous

    I’ve often counted myself very blessed not to feel lonely often. In fact, when I saw this month’s question I couldn’t recall the last time I did. Then yesterday, my partner got invited to a close family’s friend wedding and I was not invited to attend with him. We’ve been together for three years. We’re going to be married and still his family doesn’t fully accept me. The loneliness of that moment hit with an unexpected force. My relationship with his family has been strained at times, they’ve said some rather unkind things and this exclusion felt purposeful. It may or may not be personal and there could be other reasons for the invite not being extended but reagrdless it made me feel very, very lonely.

  • Anonymous

    About 2 days ago! Living in a different country away from home/family/friends is never easy. Some days you might think ???? about why you are living so far away????
    However it’s always important to acknowledge these feelings and figure out how to deal with them or should you make changes to your life.
    Tell someone that you trust that you are also feeling this way.

  • Anonymous

    I love my own company but when I’m sitting alone in the evenings, in the dark (thanks eskom), there’s a wave of realisation that yet another year has passed and I still haven’t found the person I want to spend my life with. I watch as my bestest of friends all find their loves (which I am so overjoyed by). But I cant help but wish that for once, it might be me.

  • Anonymous

    After months of cyberbullying and selective girls intentionally going out of their way to pass nasty comments and engage in nasty acts towards me in public, all in the attempt to break up my relationship with my boyfriend. A relationship where I feel the most loved and supported. A relationship that is so loved and supported by the people I value and love the most too. Last night I felt so lonely in this world, so confused and hurt by the actions and words of others. I wish the world was a kinder place, in every sense of the word.

  • Anonymous

    I feel lonely every time I go to bed alone, my marriage failed after 9 months and I feel like a failure and I fear I will never meet someone who will love me exactly like I am

  • Anonymous

    Right now. I’m sitting next to my very loving boyfriend and feeling completely lonely. Not because we don’t talk or that he does not support me. Because I don’t know how to answer the questions he asks me, or anyone for that matter.
    I came across your page by chance, but I’m so thankful. This has sparked something in me. I feel ready to start asking myself these questions, I’m lonely because I don’t know myself.

  • Anonymous

    i’m going through a separation and have a 4 year old boy. when ive put him down and go back to an empty bed i feel most lonely.

  • Anonymous

    A week or 2 ago. I was looking forward to a meaningful breakfast connect with a friend. But she cancelled the day before because she didn’t have time

  • Anonymous

    When we moved. Not having found our people yet. How do adults make friends ????

  • Anonymous

    Some background: my mom emigrated in 2011, have only seen her three times since her move and the last one was 6 years ago. She’s finally coming back to visit in June and getting her to opt in to spending time together has been.. difficult to say the least. Choosing to do things like spa days on her own and rather stay in an Airbnb while in my town (instead of with us).. it’s been awful dealing with that rejection. I have a little girl now and just want to share her wonderful personality with my mom but it’s been hard to convince her of that. Just shows no matter how old we are, our parents can still hurt us.

  • Anonymous

    Today.. Yet another guy has said he’s not interested in me in ‘that’ way and my heart is feeling a little battered and bruised, while trying to be hopeful that one day someone will love me for who I am.

  • Anonymous

    Having recently given birth to my beautiful son, whilst it has been the most incredible experience of my life – Postpartum recovery and maternity leave felt like a really lonely place for me. I felt I was unable to express my feelings of loneliness, because being a mom should be enough right?… But this just catapulted me into further isolation. It was only after speaking my truth and the amazing support of my husband and mom that I was able to realise that it’s okay to not be okay. Becoming a mom is the best, but hardest job in the world ❤️

  • Anonymous

    I’m single and all my friends are far away, my parents recently disowned me after I started therapy, I feel a lot of loneliness right now. What I thought was a support system wasn’t really at all.

  • Anonymous

    Being physically far from friends and family, yet feeling unseen by the person you moved there with because they don’t have the time to put into your relationship. It really feels like you have nowhere to turn to be seen and matter. That’s felt quite lonely for me.

  • Anonymous

    I am an extrovert – a happy go lucky person – never talk about anything sad or even remotely serious. And if i’m honest, its a much more lonely life than I realized. Now I feel like I’ve built up so many walls for myself, by ignoring any negative feelings, that I wouldn’t even know where to start knocking them down to get to how I really feel.

  • Anonymous

    Going through a rare condition at such a young age, feeling a huge part of being a woman has been robbed from me and having no one to relate to.

  • Anonymous

    I’m also single in my late 20s. Some days it feels like I don’t know if I will ever meet the person meant for me and that future feels incredibly daunting and the thought of never finding love is so lonely, when I look at my friends in their relationships.

  • Anonymous

    When I recently went through my first ever breakup with the person I thought I would marry. Sitting on the floor crying and nothing and no one could stop the pain. Facing those emotions all alone.

  • Anonymous

    Right now. Thinking of all the times I’ve felt lonely makes me feel lonely. I’m awful at speaking about my feelings so when terrible things happen, I tend to keep them to myself. Keeping things bottled up makes me feel so isolated and, well, lonely.

  • Anonymous

    I moved to a new city a couple of years ago and building new friendships from the ground up has been quite challenging. There’s a very specific kind of loneliness that comes with being around people who know you, but don’t really *know* you. Where is the “This is how to make friends as an adult” guide, when you need it?

  • Anonymous

    I’m in my 30s and I’m single, which means that most nights I eat dinner on my own. I usually counteract the loneliness by FaceTiming a friend, but there are nights when no one answers, and I sit on my own in the silence. And that is incredibly lonely.


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