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This month's question:
When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?
There have been 18 answers to this question so far.
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Stories from Strangers

We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).

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When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?

  • Anonymous

    The sadness that I’ve felt from my sister’s choice to cut ties with myself, my mom and dad. Our kids will grow up not knowing their aunt. My nephew and I won’t have a relationship because by her cutting us off, she’s cutting him off our lives. I’m disappointed she’s chosen not to heal herself but to choose a life of toxic behaviour. I am disappointed that our parents can’t get through to her, ever.

  • Anonymous

    Not a specific memory, but my own expectations come to mind as this is often the reason I feel disappointed. I guess what I am learning from this is to communicate expectations and also to adjust expectations.

  • Anonymous

    I had dreamed about working for a specific company for a while and when I officially got the job, it sucked to realise that it was not as a dreamy as I thought It was going to be…

  • Anonymous

    When I think of the word ‘disappointment’ the reality of the relationship (or lack thereof) with my father comes to mind.

    I feel like I’ve done the work. The acceptance of what is and the forgiveness baring in mind that our parents are just human beings with their own stories and journey after all.

    But yes, disappointment at what could have been, fond memories in my childhood that didn’t continue, one of the worst unrequited loves, and seeing the pain my siblings endure even in our 30s makes you wonder how much of ‘the work’ needs to be done for you to ever not have that sinking feeling of disappointment.

    Disappointment, as I am on the journey to becoming a parent myself and wonder how the connection could ever be lost with someone you have brought into the world.

    Disappointment when someone is still on this earth but chooses to not be with you. What a shame.

  • Anonymous

    My third year of my degree I was offered an intern position so long as I picked up an extra qualification before the end of the year. Did the required diploma. End of year came. Recession hit. Internship fell away…

  • Anonymous

    Not unvalidating anyone else 🙏🏽 but It makes me think of not a memory anymore, I have rewritten its meaning as notification to say yes to what I am and what I want more, and to be authentic in my being. I dont believe in hanging with “past” thoughts as much anymore dissapointement, regret , what if – I believe the truth of life is in the moment “now” in which I believe you have the power to co-create your story with God

  • Anonymous

    When I was in university, I had a guy in my life who spoke to me daily and we made each other a big part of our lives. When he lived abroad, we were pen pals and he wrote long love letters for more than 2 years.

    The year arrived where we both lived in the same city, and we were so excited to spend time together. One evening, when we went out to a party, he got some attention from a girl and he was loving it. After about 10min of them talking while I was with friends, I turned to see them making out.

    My heart collapsed at the sight. Even though we were not exclusive and dating, the history and emotional connection was flattened within that moment.

    I was incredibly disappointed, and sad that someone could throw away all the potential in a relationship for a brief moment of attraction.

  • Anonymous

    When my dad passed away I really looked to my brother to step up and be the dad figure. At 9 years older than me and me only being 16, it’s natural to expect that. He never stepped up, actually he stepped down. Became a unkind human with a lot of his own troubles. Our paths seperated 3 years ago and to this day, it (he) still disappoints me. It could have been so different.

  • Anonymous

    Couldn’t wait to tell my best friend when I got engaged, only for her to reply “nice” because she was jealous she didn’t get engaged first

  • Anonymous

    Just my mother not interested in being a parent. Just merely existing and not consciously putting in the effort

  • Anonymous

    Hoping my mom will change. Knowing she never will. Just once i would like her to choose me.

  • Anonymous

    I had Saturday lunch plans with a friend and she cancelled on me. On Monday at school, a teacher mentioned that she bumped into her at a restaurant on Saturday, she was having lunch with her boyfriend. I was so hurt to know that she cancelled seeing me to spend time with her boyfriend… I already struggle to make friends.

  • Anonymous

    Every time I pick up my phone to call or msg my mom and remember there is no one there to answer. It’s been five years and I still do it daily 💔

  • Anonymous

    All the times I had decided to give my dad one more chance to change our relationship, only to be let down every time. Working through my guilt that I have had to start saying no more because handling the constant disappointment has become too much to carry.

  • Anonymous

    About twelve years ago my mother promised to fetch me from boarding school to take me out for a midweek dinner. She ended up getting drunk and chose to ignore our plans without letting me know. I sat downstairs waiting for her for two hours and worrying about her safety because I couldn’t get hold of her. It still hurts just as much as the day it happened. She’s been sober for a couple of years now but I still can’t seem to let this one go.

  • Anonymous

    Feeling excited and hopeful about a new relationship only to realise that I was being led on by an emotionally unavailable person. Being pursued pretty hard, and then being totally let down, and made to feel like my feelings weren’t valid, and that they hadn’t felt anything for me at all from the start.

  • Anonymous

    In our long journey to conceive, every time a friend announced their pregnancy I’d feel utter disappointment, like I’d been left behind.

  • Anonymous

    Going for my baby scan and being told there was no heartbeat and nobody next to me to hold my hand because my partner was “too busy” to come with me.


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