This month's question:
Who has shaped your life in the most significant way? Tell a story about them.

Stories from Strangers
We’ll have a new question here every month for you to answer and engage with. Think of this as an online journal, except everyone gets a page in the book, and no one knows who’s written what (fun!).
Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.
Pour your heart out or read through the pages of someone else’s heart. Either way, we hope you find comfort in reading these stories from strangers.
Who has shaped your life in the most significant way? Tell a story about them.
Want more questions?

Cards for Conversation may look like a small box but the questions it contains are big. Play it with friends, family, and strangers to move past the ‘howzits’ and create spaces for connecting, processing, and feeling known.
Buy a boxFrom the archives
September 24's question:
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

July 24's question:
Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life? Why or why not?

June 24's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?

May 24's question:
What is your happiest memory of your mother or a maternal figure?

February 24's question:
When it comes to work, what is your negative self-talk?

January 24's question:
November 23's question:
What is one event in your life that you wish you could change, and how would you change it?

October 23's question:
When you think of the word ‘rejection’, what memory comes to mind?

September 23's question:
What is the most intense pain you’ve experienced that wasn’t physical?

August 23's question:
When you think of the word ‘disappointment’, what memory comes to mind?

May 23's question:
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in the past year?

May 23's question:
When was the last time you felt lonely, and what made you feel that way?

April 23's question:
Is there a family tradition from your childhood that you have instilled, or would like to one day instil, in your own family?

March 23's question:
Who was your most influential teacher in school? What impact did they have on your life?

February 23's question:
What is the kindest thing someone has done for you in the past year?

January 23's question:
What has been your biggest victory in the past year?

December 22's question:
When was the last time you felt brave? What were you doing that made you feel that way?

My FIL is the most successful and humble man I’ve known. He passed away this week, totally unexpectedly. The world is feeling the loss in significant ways, and people from all spheres of life are writing us tributes about him. Despite his brilliance and fame, everyone speaks about how they felt known by him, he was never too important to give them time and listen to them. What a gift and legacy. I want to be remembered for things like that one day.
My sister, she saved my life, protected me from an abusive household, taught me how to be kind and live a life that I’ll be proud of, she was pure magic. She died at 31, leaving behind 2 little girls.
She was kind in a world that’s unfair, she was sunshine in human form, no matter how sick she got she always looked at the bright side. I’m so lucky i got to be her baby sister
My husband.
We met at a club, very millennial of us. I was in a bitterly unhappy relationship that was on its last legs. I saw him at the cluuurb and instantly was like “i like what im seeing”. For someone who has lived their whole life driven by fear, i stepped out of (or maybe into) my fears/comfort zone and put myself out there, basically offering myself to him – very risky of me, very brave- BUT, i won gold that night. We have been married for 11 years this year. He expanded my mind, he challenged everything i knew about life, myself and the world. He helped me grow from someone who was insecure, small in my thoughts, unhappy, very in my comfort zone into a woman who is confident, sure of herself and truly happy. I am a better person today because of him, and i know i have gotten myself to this point, but he has helped to create the space for me to bloom, grow and has believed in me, supported me and wanted more from me! I always say, if we ever got divorced (hopefully not) i will be forever grateful for the women he allowed me to meet, my true, happy better self. Like Salt n Pepper, said “what a man, what a mighty good man”
My parents. They better outlive me because I will never be able to get through a day without them. They’re just the most incredible people on this earth and I am reminded every single day about how lucky I am that they’re mine. I hope to be like them when I’m older, as a person and parent to my future kids.